Tag Archives: Star Trek

Lookbook 4

I call this one the rugged look for spring and fall.  I like to dress up like the next dandi but I mostly love fabrics that have been broken in and look like I’ve been out at the ranch all day.

Denim, cotton, linen…

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these are some of my most favorit fabrics to wear

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and live in.


Not being so serious all of the time

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can be a good thing.

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You can still rock style

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Henry Cavill for VMan Magazine

and be a bit ruffled.

Brown Bucks

You can dandi it up and still have a casual feel.

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The tones that best fit this look are blues, browns and greys.

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Or any color in a darker pallet.

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Yeah, even red can rock if done right.

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Either way dressing up or down never looked so good!



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